Monday, April 20, 2009

Review: Faith Leaps

I'll admit it, I'm not so big on leaps of faith. Even though I am the daughter of a United Methodist minister and my life has always been influenced by the Lord's leading, I will gladly tell you that I like routine and knowing what is coming next. As we all know, life doesn't always follow the plan that we think it is going.

I have been known to run a bit from what I know God is telling me. I've gone against what I knew He would not want me to do. And every time, I come back to His way, because it is the Only Way that I am going to be fulfilled, blessed, and at peace.

For instance, I really felt like God was telling me to step away from volunteering with our church youth group and spend more time with my family. I argued with Him for months. I tried to convince him of the reason why I was right and He was wrong. Guess what?! Turns out He WAS right, and even though it was hard, I know it was the right thing to do. He has opened up possibilities and opportunities that I never would have had--opportunities to share His Word with people that I never would have imagined. But that Leap of Faith was very hard to take. It was hard to explain to others.

God is still giving me nudges. I'm not ignoring Him, but I've been trying to put Him off. But this time, it isn't quite so scary, because there is a wonderful program created by my friend Alyssa Avant to help me through.

Faith Leaps is a three month training program designed to help you figure out what and where God might be able to best use your Spiritual Gifts and talents.

Alyssa encourages you with her spunky spirit to examine yourself through prayer, online activities, questions, and audio seminar. She will lead you through the scary wilderness
upon which you might feel as though you stumbled.

God will lead you, and will never leave you. Alyssa uses her experiences and God's word to walk beside you as you work toward the clearing in which God has designed you to serve.

I am definitely called to teach. I'm feeling God call me in a new direction, but I'm not quite sure where He's leading me. I look forward to finding out, and am so thankful that He has equipped Alyssa with Faith Leaps to guide me!

Are you feeling God's call, but don't know exactly where He is leading? Or are you fighting that negative self-talk of "I don't have any gifts or talents! How is God going to use me?" Either way, Faith Leaps can help you discern the ways in which God is equipping you to serve.

Here I am, Lord! Is it I, Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if You lead me.
I will hold Your people in my heart.

I am inspired by the words of Dan Schutte, and I will follow. Faith Leaps will help me find The Way!

Photo credits: Tricky, anjan58, and Steve_C

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Thanks so much! WOnderful post!