Saturday, September 11, 2010

Review: Infantino Flip Baby Carrier

I've had the pleasure to review the fantastic Infantino Flip carrier! You can't see it much in this pic, but it was taken the day that I wore it to our first local high school football game.

I have tried out two of the three ways that the Flip can be worn: front-facing and facing inward, both where he is being carried on my front. He isn't big enough to try out the back-carrying position yet, but I'm confident it will work well, too!

The carrier itself is lightweight and pretty easy to figure out. The directions that come with it sufficiently described the steps needed to get it on properly. Robbie was very happy with it every time we used it. It has made getting around in crowds much easier, and keeps my hands free to help maneuver my older two sons, too!

As you can see, the carrier is sleek and its color keeps it from clashing with whatever you or baby's father is wearing. I really like this feature, so that my husband can also feel comfortable wearing Robbie, too!

I've already recommended the Flip carrier to a friend! They are available at your local Babies R Us stores, Target stores and online!

And here's a treat: the Infantino EcoSash and Balance carriers are $10 off at Babies R Us through September 21st!

You can also check out the Infantino facebook page, YouTube channel, and blog or follow them on Twitter for information, deals, and contests!

Thanks again to MomCentral for the opportunity to review this product!

“I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for Infantino and have received various Infantino products as part of my participation.”

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