Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Review: Infantino Mash & Serve Bowl

This is one of my new favorite products! This thing couldn't be easier to use! I have used the Mash & Serve Bowl to prepare several foods for Robbie, from potatoes to bananas to macaroni and cheese! It really makes it simple to make sure that I am properly mashing up food and making it easier for him to eat food we prepare for him.

I must admit, I was a skeptic over this preparing foods for him ourselves thing, but we have come to realize several things as we have experimented. First, we realize how much cheaper it is to prepare fruits and veggies ourselves instead of paying for prepackaged foods. Second, we have discovered new foods and ways to prepare foods we never would have tried ourselves! We have been eating more acorn squash and sweet potatoes than we would have without trying out these products with the help of MomCentral and Infantino!

Remember, you can always interact with Infantino on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

“I am a participant in a Mom Central Consulting campaign for Infantino and have received various Infantino products as part of my participation.”

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